Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Private, shmivate.

Making my personal blog private was something that I did in order to protect the famdam. But with that decision, I blog much less. Lets be real. If your blog roll isn't updated to let you know who is blogging, realistically you're not gonna make the effort to check their blog. But heck, I still blog the important deets, because the whooooooole point of the blog is maintaining a record for posterity. Right? Duh. That said, the personal blog will stay exactly that. Personal. For people who KNOW the intimate details of our lives. That way I don't have to worry about any crazy creepers. This here blog will be for me. No major details about the private life of my family. Just private details about meeeeeee hahaha. A girl's gotta have an outlet, am I right or am I right? Moving on.

Today I am officially 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant will a small toddler growing inside. There was one time maybe 5 or 6 days ago that I really thought I was in labor. Every sign was there. Back labor, consistent contractions 2 minutes apart for at least 90 seconds, for over 2 hours straight. Pain, nausea, tears, the whole 9 yards. We can thank my ever-so-religious little sister for stalling THAT labor experience. She prayed for it. It worked. Her plans were not interrupted. Siiiiigh. Things have quieted down since. Which I can't say I'm thrilled about. I do, however, have the runs today. Awesome, awesome, I know. I have gone to bed the last two nights MAJORLY ready to lose my chunks, and even woke up and did just that. My body is begging for release. My mind is passed the point of sanely handling the oober awesome joys of pregnancy. And my hoo-haw expired days ago. We are talking severe throbbing, people. His head is engaged, rudely low, and pleading for exit. But alas, he must be holding on to my guts or something, because the kid is not coming out. He's playing his imaginary banjo, strummin at my insides with gentle caressing and sweetness. COME. OUT. I think I'm losing my plug...not certain though. With my first pregnancy, I was like CERTAIN I lost it. My membranes had been stripped, so I got the awesome plug/bloody show sweetness that everyone loves. Of course, that time it did NOTHING for me. Anyway, this time around since I'm going the naaaaatural way, I'm losing it a bit at a time, without much other "stuff". This is a gross topic, right? Right. BITE ME. :)

My husband is out looking for a new car today. We sold our Camry, it's just too small man. So we're aiming for a Taho/Suburban/Large SUV type. I'd totally go for a Swagger Wagon , but alas, we are buying used. My hubs and I sorta have major car buying issues. We do it all the time. So we are trying something new in an effort to not lose major bones this next time around. Used it is! Woohooo!! Anyway, he's out with my dad doing that today. We have all of, like, today to take care of that issue, as we give our beloved Camry to the new owner this friday...and we might have a baby somewhere in there, too, cutting back our free time. Holllllerr for babies.

K, I'm out.


  1. Swagger Wagon KILLED ME!! I laughed so hard.

  2. I am sooo glad we got a van before #2 came! And it's used. Kids ruin them anyway so why would I want a nice one? Save new for when they wont be pooping or peeing all over it! Yay for loose stool and mucus plug!! Definite signs : ) I now it doesn't matter, but that happened just a day or so before labor for me! Fingers crossed for you.
    And I love that you are spilling on a new blog. Love juicy details : ) I wish I could do that. Someday I will lose my fear of judgement from others!

  3. Love the new blog! I agree about sharing the dirt! We all go through this stuff, so why not just put it out there?? I hope your body cooperates and he comes very soon!
