i THINK that i might be in labor. In order to not jinx the possibilies, i'm keeping a tight lid on it. i've been having contractions since after my prenatal massage, which ended at 4. They started out totally non promising, like 20 minutes apart. 45 minutes later we went to my little cousin's flag football game, where it was over 100 degrees. As soon as I sat down, the contractions started full force with their regularity and discomfort. Good times. So I walked to the snack shack to pick up a sno cone for Kenz. That was rough. And slow. Haha. ::::::::::Contraction:::::::::: The game continued, as did my contrx in their awesomeness. By the time we left, around 5:45, I was really feeling them. My Grandpa's birthday is today, so the plan was to head straight to Olive Garden for the festivities. We also decided we needed to pick up a rental car, considering mine is now GONE. (THANKS A LOT, NEAL.) Show up to rental car place, and I make Neal stop before each speed bump, the contrx are that uncomfortable. We show up at 6:06. They closed at 6. Then I decided to skip the bday dinner, since I had counted 4 contrx, each 2 minutes apart, and too intense for me to want to sit through for dinner. I did that a week ago at Benihana, and lets just say its no picnic for anyone at all. So we hit McD's and bought the toddler a happy meal, and headed home. It's now 8, I've been timing my contrx on my handy dandy baby bump app, and they've stayes 2-3 minutes apart lasting 60-90 seconds for two hours now. But I've only done the timing for 2 hours. So technically, I've been having them since 4. But only really since 5. It's funny, because as I was driving, and they were just getting worse and worse, all I could think was, "Yeah right you're just gonna use hypnosis." Lets be real here. I purchased a 6 week course, and I've finished 2 weeks. THIS weeks course was supposed to be the real deal one where I learn to put myself in and out of hypnosis, and create my own anesthesia. So much for that. I think I will look forward to my epidural with eagerness, unfortunately. I'll do my best ::::::::::ouch CONTRACTION:::;:::: to hold out. I'm sorta confused about when to call my doula, since the last time this happened, it fizzled out after 2.5 hours. I'll continue to time and measure the pain, and if things intensify, I'll call her. My mom thinks Im nuts for hanging out at the house at all, but her labors all went FAST. Remember how I was born in a car? Yeah. Fast. At her last delivery, she wanted a epidural soooo bad, but when she got to the hospital, she was already too far along and had the baby like 20 minutes later haha. Sucks for her, but can we say rad? Rad. Walking through the contrx is impossible by the way. Mckenzi just asked me to get up and get her a popsicle (my husband is at the airport getting a rental car as we speak. awesome? no) and it took me like 6 minutes. Do you know where my couch is in relation to the fridge? I'd say 6 feet. Tops. It hurt. Kenz stared at me, and kept looking down at my feet like, "Um, what's the hold up, lady?" But there was definite concern in her eyes. Cute. She's now contently eating her popsicle, watching Tangled, and Im :::ouuuuch contrx::::: blogging about nothingness, surely. I had wanted to make brownies for the nurses, but I'm sitting here hurting, thinking "the nurses can make their own damn brownies". So for now, this is our little secret. I think I'm in labor, my husband is in denial, and this is just not how i imagined it. He should be here with me, rubbing my back, asking what he can do for me, letting me yell at him and stuff. Instead, I'm timing my own contractions, focusing on my own breathing, while tending to my needy little two year old and he's in a long line at the airport waiting to rent some stinky car to bring our newborn home in. Not to mention my birthing ball is now FLAT and Neal is not here to fill it up. Awesomeness. Negativity. Yessssss. ::::::::contraction:::::::::::
This post sounds JUST like the one I did the day before I had Donny. I was in early labor. It was probably the most irritated and impatient I have ever been. I was so uncomfortable with contractions and trying to be a mom to a busy toddler. Sounds like you are in early labor!!!! Even if it's still a while, I bet you are! I'm on the edge of my seat now. Can't wait to hear! I love new babies : )